Good Distribution Practice (GDP)
Good Distribution Practice is a kind of quality system which guarantees safe entering, transportation, storing and removal of medicinal products. Detailed guidelines you can find in Regulation of the Minister of Health dated June 17-th 2016.
NASTAL in November 2018 received GDP Certificate for domestic and international transportation of pharmaceuticals which guarantees good quality of our service. The certificate confirms our engagement and special care for quality of our service for pharmaceutical branch.
Download Certificate GDP (English) [pdf, 362KB]
Herunterladen Zertifikat GDP (Deutsche) [pdf, 358KB]
Pobierz Zaświadczenie GDP (polski) [pdf, 370KB]
ISO 9001 : 2015
We also received ISO 9001:2015 certificate for local and international transportation of goods confirming meeting by us all demands of international quality management.
Download ISO 9001:2015 (English) [pdf, 315KB]